UPES Round table: “Self-production of energy – challenges and benefits” was held on October 14, 2022 at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia

UPES Round table: “Self-production of energy – challenges and benefits” was held on October 14, 2022 at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia   In the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia on 14.10.2022. In 2018, the Round Table “Self-production of energy – challenges and benefits” was held in the Organization of the Association for Energy Law … Read more

Self-production of energy – challenges and benefits –

Self-production of energy – challenges and benefits October, 24, 2022 Participation in the Round Table is free. The round table will be organized in a hybrid model, so that those interested will be able to participate in person or via the Internet. The round table was facilitated by the Office Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V. in Belgrade AGENDA You can find … Read more

UPES organized training for representatives of local self-government units

UPES organized training for representatives of local self-government units   The Serbian Energy Law Association (UPES), in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Town and Municipalities, and with the support of the office of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V. in Belgrade, organized, in the period from 28-30 September, 2022, in the “Norcev” hotel on Iriški Venac, a training for … Read more

UPES members at the RES Serbia 2022 Conference

UPES members at the RES Serbia 2022 Conference RES Serbia 2022 conference was held on 15 September 2022 at the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade, in the organization of the Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia), an institutional partnership of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) … Read more

Notable performance of UPES members at CIRED 2022

Notable performance of UPES members at CIRED 2022 The National Committee of CIRED Serbia (CIRED Serbia) in cooperation with the National Committee of CIRED Montenegro and other companies and experts from the Republic of Serbia and region organized the 13th Conference on Serbian Power Distribution Networks, with regional participation, from September 12-16, 2022, in Kopaonik. … Read more

Education of representatives of local self-government units “Energy transition in local self-government and how to achieve it, 2022“

Education of representatives of local self-government units “Energy transition in local self-government and how to achieve it, 2022“ In the period between September 28 and 30, 2022, the Serbian Energy Law Association (UPES) together with the Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities (SKGO) organised training for representatives of local self-government units “Energy transition in local … Read more

Panel “The Use of Electric Energy in the Transport Sector in the Republic of Serbia – directions and challenges” organized by UPES and the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia on 27 June 2022

Panel “The Use of Electric Energy in the Transport Sector in the Republic of Serbia – directions and challenges” organized by UPES and the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia on 27 June 2022 Panel “The Use of Electric Energy in the Transport Sector in the Republic of Serbia – directions and challenges” organized by … Read more

Memorandum of Cooperation signed between UPES as well as the Energy Association and UPES at the International Energy Conference 2022

Memorandum of Cooperation signed between UPES as well as the Energy Association and UPES at the International Energy Conference 2022 The memorandum on cooperation between the Association for Energy Law of Serbia and the Association of Power Engineers was signed on June 23, 2022 by Professor Nikola Rajaković and Dr. Branislava Lepotić Kovačević. Memorandum has been signed … Read more

UPES on TOPS Conference 2022

UPES on TOPS Conference 2022 At the 20th meeting of the heating companies and the professional scientific conference TOPS 2022, organized by the business association of the Heating Plant of Serbia, held in the period from May 29 to June 1, 2022 at the Zlatibor, participated representatives of the heating plants of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry … Read more